Internal Activities
Human resources development
We develop human resources who create new values through various educational programs
To put our mission statement, a top-class human resources development company, into practice, we provide quality education for all staff. We are actively developing human resources who has an innovative mind and will create a new value.
To teach the skills required for daily duties, we created department-specific education/training programs
We organize annual plan presentation where staff of all departments (production, quality, procurement, sales) meet together. To achieve each department's goal, we prepare an environment where all employees share the details of activities and are highly motivated to improve their own skills. We also proactively support education and training such as by preparing department-specific education/training programs.

Educational training conducted inside and outside of the workplace based on each staff member's ability and intention
To ensure a systematic employee performance evaluation for a fair assessment of the individual performance, we conduct personal interview for all employees. Each employee sets an annual goal based on an appropriate advise and joins on-the-job and off-the-job trainings (OJT and Off-JT). We evaluate each employee's skill achievement using job-specific skill maps for QA, production, sales, etc.

Encouragement of participation in skill-up training for each job and other various outside seminars
For all department/job staff, we encourage participation in skill-up training, technical training, leadership training for managers, and other external seminars. Annually, more than 30 staff members have attended a variety of Off-JT seminars useful to business improvement.
- Correspondence course for a newly-appointed position/basic course for management
- Basic lecture on quality control
- ISO9001 internal auditor training 2-day course
- Executive training
- Production control practice seminar
- How to find a fair price price negotiation techniques
- How to read/make a mechanical drawing
- Outsourcing management practice seminar
- Introduction to machining center programming
- Nasuka initial training
- Basic modern communication seminar
- Basic internal communication
- Female sales personnel seminar
- Basic mechanism and cost reduction of manufacturing cost
- Toyota Production System Kaizen seminar
- Effective proposal-based sales
- JIS Quality Control Manager
- Basic course for management
- Career development course for production division middle-leader
- Basic of coordinate measuring machine
- Sales personnel skill-up seminar
- Production management practice
- FA practice seminar
- Purchasing skill-up training
- NC lathe program (Introduction)
- Inside/outside business manner
- First overseas expansion study meeting
- Human resources development seminar for manufacturing sector
- Credit control seminar
- Basic production management
- Management improvement and business planner
- Seminar on points for new customer development, and more.